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Top 15 Free Best Middle Schools In NYC 2023

Top 15 Free Best Middle Schools In NYC 2023

When it comes to education, a wide range of options is available for middle school students in New York City. However, finding the best schools can be a challenging task for parents and guardians. Additionally, private schools can be expensive, making them inaccessible to many families who cannot afford the tuition fees. Therefore, we have compiled a list of the top 15 free best middle schools in NYC that offer quality education.

This list of free best middle schools in NYC includes both public and charter schools. They provide a rigorous academic curriculum, diverse extracurricular activities, and supportive learning environments. These schools have been chosen based on various factors, including their test scores, student-teacher ratios, student diversity, and available resources. The list aims to provide parents and guardians with a starting point to explore the best schools for their children.


Why Middle School Education Matters in NYC

Middle school education is a crucial stage in a student’s academic journey. It bridges the gap between elementary school and high school. It prepares students for the challenges they will face in their future academic and professional pursuits. In New York City, middle school education plays an essential role in shaping the minds of young learners. While providing them with a solid foundation for their academic and personal growth. However, not all middle schools in NYC are created equal. While some schools offer quality education, others fall short in providing the necessary resources and support to their students.

Therefore, choosing the right middle school is critical to a student’s success in the long run. Moreover, middle school education matters in NYC because it prepares students for the competitive high school admissions process. NYC has a diverse range of high schools, including specialized high schools that require students to pass rigorous entrance exams. Students who attend the best middle schools in NYC have an advantage in this process, as they receive a solid education that prepares them for the challenges of high school.

In addition, middle school education is crucial in helping students develop essential skills, such as critical thinking, problem-solving, and effective communication. These skills are necessary for success in high school, college, and beyond. Moreover, middle school education helps students develop their social skills and emotional intelligence, preparing them for the complexities of adult life.

Understanding the Criteria for Choosing the Best Middle Schools in NYC

Choosing the best middle school for your child in NYC can be a daunting task. However, understanding the criteria for selecting a middle school can make the process easier. Below are some factors to consider when selecting the best middle schools in NYC:

  • Academic programs: Look for schools that offer a rigorous academic curriculum that challenges students and prepares them for high school and beyond.
  • Test scores: Check the school’s test scores to see how their students perform academically. High test scores are an indication of quality education.
  • Student-teacher ratio: A lower student-teacher ratio means that teachers can provide more individualized attention to each student, leading to better academic outcomes.
  • Student diversity: Look for schools that have a diverse student body, as it exposes students to different cultures and perspectives, promoting a more inclusive learning environment.
  • Extracurricular activities: Schools that offer diverse extracurricular activities, such as sports, music, and clubs, provide students with opportunities to explore their interests and develop new skills.
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However, not all criteria are created equal. While some factors, such as test scores, may be essential, others, such as the school’s location, may not be as critical. Therefore, it’s essential to prioritize the criteria that matter most to you and your child when selecting the best middle schools in NYC.

Top 15 Free Best Middle Schools In Nyc

#1. The Anderson School:

Located in Upper West Side, this school is one of the best public middle schools in NYC. It offers a rigorous academic program and has high test scores, with over 97% of its student’s meeting state standards. The school also has a strong focus on STEM education, providing students with opportunities to engage in hands-on learning experiences and advanced coursework in math and science. Additionally, the Anderson School has a supportive and diverse community, with a range of extracurricular activities and resources to ensure that every student can succeed.

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#2. The Institute for Collaborative Education (ICE):

Located in Manhattan, this school provides a progressive and student-centered approach to education, with a focus on collaboration and community building. ICE encourages students to take ownership of their learning and provides opportunities for self-directed and project-based learning. The school also offers a range of electives and extracurricular activities, including music, art, and theater, to help students develop their interests and talents.

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#3. The Brooklyn Latin School:

 This public charter school is known for its classical curriculum, which includes Latin language and culture, as well as a rigorous academic program that prepares students for college and beyond. The school has high test scores and a supportive learning environment that emphasizes critical thinking, problem-solving, and effective communication skills. Additionally, the Brooklyn Latin School offers a range of extracurricular activities, including athletics and clubs, to help students develop their interests and social skills.

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#4. The New Explorations into Science, Technology, and Math (NEST+m) School:

Located in Lower East Side, this school is one of the best middle schools in NYC for students interested in STEM education. The school offers advanced coursework in math, science, and technology, as well as a range of extracurricular activities and resources to help students develop their interests and talents. Additionally, the NEST+m School has a diverse student body and a supportive learning community that encourages collaboration and academic excellence.

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#5. The Bard Early College Academy:

This public school in Queens offers a unique opportunity for middle school students to earn college credits while still in high school. The school offers a rigorous academic program that emphasizes critical thinking and intellectual curiosity, as well as a range of extracurricular activities and resources to help students develop their talents and interests.

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#6. The Special Music School:

Located in Manhattan, this school is the only public school in the country that offers a music conservatory-style education to students in grades K-12. The middle school program provides students with intensive music instruction as well as a rigorous academic program that prepares them for high school and beyond. Additionally, the Special Music School has a diverse student body and a supportive learning environment that fosters creativity and academic excellence.

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#7. The East Side Middle School:

 This school, located in the Upper East Side, offers a rigorous academic program and a range of extracurricular activities and resources to help students develop their interests and talents. The school has high test scores and a diverse student body, with a supportive community that emphasizes collaboration and academic excellence.

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#8. The Robert F. Wagner Jr. Secondary School for Arts and Technology:

Located in Queens, this school offers a unique blend of academic and vocational education, with a strong focus on the arts and technology. The school has high test scores and a supportive learning environment that encourages students to explore their interests and develop their talents.

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#9. The Brooklyn Prospect Charter School:

This public charter school in Brooklyn offers a rigorous academic program that emphasizes critical thinking and problem-solving skills. It also covers a range of extracurricular activities and resources to help students develop their interests and talents. The school also has a diverse student body and a supportive learning community that fosters collaboration and academic excellence.

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#10. The Christa McAuliffe School:

Located in Brooklyn, offers a strong academic program, a range of extracurricular activities to help students develop their interests and talents. The school has high test scores and a supportive learning community that emphasizes collaboration and academic excellence.

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#11. The M.S. 51 William Alexander Middle School:

 Located in Brooklyn, this school offers a rigorous academic program and a range of extracurricular activities and resources to help students develop their interests and talents. The school also has a diverse student body and a supportive learning community that fosters collaboration and academic excellence.

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#12. The Renaissance School of the Arts:

This school, located in East Harlem, offers a strong academic program that emphasizes the arts and humanities, as well as a range of extracurricular activities and resources to help students develop their interests and talents. The school has high test scores and a supportive learning community that fosters creativity and academic excellence.

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#13. The Academy for Excellence Through the Arts:

Located in Queens, this school offers a rigorous academic program that emphasizes the arts and humanities, as well as a range of extracurricular activities and resources to help students develop their interests and talents. The school also has a diverse student body and a supportive learning community that fosters collaboration and academic excellence.

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#14. The P.S. 89 Liberty School:

This school, located in Lower Manhattan, offers a strong academic program and a range of extracurricular activities to help students develop their interests and talents. The school has high test scores and a supportive learning community that emphasizes collaboration and academic excellence.

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#15. The Urban Assembly School for Green Careers:

Located in Brooklyn, this school offers a unique blend of academic and vocational education, with a strong focus on environmental sustainability and green careers. The school has high test scores and a supportive learning environment that encourages students to explore their interests and develop their talents.

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How Free Middle Schools Provide Quality Education in NYC

Free middle schools in New York City provide quality education to students from all backgrounds. Despite being free, these schools offer a range of programs and resources to support student success. Moreover, these schools have highly qualified teachers who are trained to meet the needs of diverse learners. They use a variety of instructional strategies and technologies to engage students and promote critical thinking skills.

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Additionally, free middle schools in NYC provide a range of extracurricular activities and resources to help students explore their interests and develop their talents. These activities include clubs, sports teams, music and arts programs, and after-school programs. However, some free middle schools may face challenges related to funding and resources. This can affect the availability of certain programs and resources, as well as class sizes and teacher-student ratios.

Nonetheless, free middle schools in NYC work to provide a supportive and inclusive learning environment that fosters academic excellence and personal growth. They strive to ensure that all students have access to the resources they need to succeed, regardless of their background or socioeconomic status.

Pros and Cons of Attending a Free Middle School in NYC

Attending a free middle school in NYC has its pros and cons, which students and their families should consider before making a decision.

One of the advantages of attending a free middle school is that it allows access to quality education without financial burden. Students can take advantage of academic and extracurricular programs offered by the school without having to worry about tuition fees.

Moreover, free middle schools in NYC usually have a diverse student body that allows students to interact with people from different backgrounds and cultures. This can help develop social skills and foster a sense of community. On the other hand, one of the disadvantages of attending a free middle school is that there may be limited resources available compared to private schools. This can result in larger class sizes, fewer extracurricular activities, and less personalized attention from teachers.

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Additionally, some free middle schools in NYC may struggle with funding, which can lead to challenges in maintaining facilities and providing necessary resources for students.

However, it is important to note that attending a free middle school in NYC does not guarantee academic success. Students must still put in the effort and dedication to succeed academically and take advantage of the resources provided by the school.

How to Apply to the Best Free Middle Schools in NYC

Applying to the best free middle schools in NYC can be a competitive and rigorous process, but with proper preparation and research, students can increase their chances of acceptance. Here are some steps to consider when applying to the best free middle schools in NYC:

  • Research schools: Students and their families should research schools to determine which schools align with their academic and personal goals. They should consider factors such as school location, academic programs, extracurricular activities, and school culture.
  • Check eligibility requirements: Students should check the eligibility requirements for each school to ensure that they meet the necessary criteria. Some schools may have specific academic or residency requirements that students must meet.
  • Submit applications: Students should submit applications to their preferred schools by the designated deadlines. Many schools require students to complete an application form and provide supporting documents such as transcripts, test scores, and recommendations.
  • Prepare for entrance exams: Some free middle schools in NYC require students to take entrance exams as part of the application process. Students should prepare for these exams by studying the material and taking practice tests.
  • Attend interviews: Some schools may require students to attend an interview as part of the application process. Students should prepare for interviews by researching the school and practicing their responses to common interview questions.
  • Consider multiple options: Students should consider applying to multiple schools to increase their chances of acceptance. They should also have a backup plan in case they are not accepted to their preferred school.

Frequently Asked Questions 

What criteria were used to determine the top 15 best middle schools in NYC?

The criteria used to determine the top 15 best middle schools in NYC varied depending on the source. However, common factors that were considered included academic performance, student-to-teacher ratio, diversity, and availability of extracurricular activities.

Can out-of-district students attend these top 15 middle schools for free?

In general, out-of-district students are not able to attend public schools in NYC for free. Students are typically assigned to schools based on their residential address. However, there are some exceptions, such as specialized schools that have separate admissions processes.

Are these top 15 middle schools all located in a specific area or borough of NYC?

The top 15 middle schools in NYC are located throughout the city and are not limited to a specific area or borough. Some of the top middle schools are located in Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens, and the Bronx.

What types of extracurricular activities are offered at these top 15 middle schools?

The types of extracurricular activities offered at the top 15 middle schools in NYC vary, but many schools offer a wide range of options. Some popular extracurricular activities include sports teams, music and arts programs, robotics clubs, debate teams, and community service organizations. Many schools also offer after-school programs and summer camps.


Choosing the right middle school is a crucial decision for families in NYC, as it sets the foundation for a child’s academic and social development during their formative years. With several factors to consider, it can be overwhelming for parents to navigate the options available to them. However, researching and weighing the pros and cons of different schools can help families make informed decisions that align with their child’s needs and interests.

One of the critical factors to consider is academic performance. The top 15 best middle schools in NYC are recognized for their high standards of academic excellence, which is measured through factors such as standardized test scores and graduation rates. These schools often have dedicated and experienced faculty members who provide rigorous and engaging instruction to their students, preparing them for success in high school and beyond.

Editor’s Recommendations


  1. https://theschoolreview.com/middle-schools/new-york-city/
  2. https://www.niche.com/k12/search/best-public-middle-schools/m/new-york-city-area/
  3. https://nymag.com/education/special/2012/middle-schools/
  4. https://www.insider.com/best-public-middle-schools-new-york-city-2019-9
  5. https://www.niche.com/k12/search/best-middle-schools/m/new-york-city-metro-area/

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