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How Do Cryptocurrency Exchange-Traded Funds (ETFs) Work?

How Do Cryptocurrency Exchange-Traded Funds (ETFs) Work?

Due to their low transaction cost and liquidity, Cryptocurrency Exchange-Traded Funds (ETFs) keep growing in popularity. Today, cryptocurrency investors are diving into this industry to explore and milk the market. Generally, ETFs are often traded on exchanges and track a certain index, allowing investors to track and trade numerous cryptocurrencies.

Unlike mutual funds, which only let investors buy or sell shares at the end of the trading day, ETFs let investors trade shares all day long. Some of the benefits of trading cryptocurrency Exchange-Traded Funds (ETFs) include minimal ownership costs, diversification, and knowledge and convenience outsourcing.


But what exactly are Exchange-Traded Funds (ETFs), how do they operate, and how do you enter this market? This article discussed all of these and more. Endeavor you read till the end so, you will not miss out on any vital information.

What is Cryptocurrency Exchange-Traded Funds (ETFs)?

Cryptocurrency Exchange-Traded Funds (ETFs) are exchange-traded funds that follow the value of cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin and Etherium and are traded on standard market exchanges rather than cryptocurrency exchanges. They enable traders to invest in cryptocurrencies without having to go through the stress of using a cryptocurrency exchange, while also giving price leverage.

Today, ETFs are available for a variety of assets and industries, ranging from commodities to currencies, and are traded like stocks, with prices fluctuating daily based on buy and sell.

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How Do Cryptocurrency Exchange-Traded Funds (ETFs) Work? 

Cryptocurrency Exchange-Traded Funds (ETFs) were created to mimic the price swings of the core cryptocurrency. Unlike regular ETFs, which hold the underlying asset directly, Crypto ETFs hold cryptocurrency futures, options, or other crypto-based commodities.

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Furthermore, cryptocurrency ETFs are supported by either physical crypto assets or synthetic counterparts such as derivatives. Previously, crypto investors could indirectly hold cryptocurrencies without incurring the costs of outright ownership, and in the latter, instead of representing the prices of actual cryptocurrencies, the ETF share price imitates the price movements of derivatives.

For example, a Bitcoin ETF would work the same way the price of one share of the exchange-traded fund would fluctuate with the price of Bitcoin. Therefore, if the value of Bitcoin rises, so will the ETF, and vice versa. However, because ETFs do not own any of the underlying cryptocurrency, there may be periods when their movements do not precisely follow those of the underlying cryptocurrency.

In general, cryptocurrency ETFs are the expanded use case of blockchain technology. For instance, Bitcoin ETFs are the first crypto ETF that seeks to track the price of BTC, the most valued cryptocurrency among digital assets.

Advantages of Cryptocurrency Exchange-Traded Funds (ETFs) 

#1. Convenience

Investing in a cryptocurrency ETF provides leverage to the price of numerous crypto tokens without having to learn much about how they function, needing to sign up on a cryptocurrency exchange, and take on the risks of holding them directly. For instance, Bitcoins and Ethereum are stored in wallets, and if an investor forgets the wallet’s password or other security phrase, their Bitcoin is irretrievably lost. Therefore cryptocurrency ETF streamlines the procedure of investing in the crypto market.

#2. Diversification

Generally, an ETF can hold more than just one asset. A Bitcoin ETF, for example, might own Bitcoin, Apple stocks, Google stocks, and other assets, allowing investors to reduce risk and diversify their portfolios. Hence, by trading on a regulated market exchange, a cryptocurrency ETF would allow investors to diversify their existing equities portfolios.

#3. Tax efficiency

Given that cryptocurrencies are decentralized and unregulated, most tax havens and pension funds around the world forbid the acquisition of cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin. On the other hand, a cryptocurrency ETF that is traded on conventional platforms would probably be subject to SEC regulation and qualify for tax benefits.

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Are Cryptocurrency ETFs safe?

Generally, all parties engaging in cryptocurrency Exchange-Traded Funds (ETFs) investments are often subject to verification, and their trades are being monitored to prevent market manipulation or funding criminal activities. Given that they are issued by licensed businesses and traded on well-known, regulated exchanges, cryptocurrency exchange-traded funds are, thus, a more secure investment option.

In addition to regulation, one should be aware of the risks associated with investing in cryptocurrency exchange-traded funds. For instance, while beginning to investigate cryptocurrency ETFs, novice or experienced traders must be aware of the limited selection of funds available. Additionally, the funds are vulnerable to cybercrime risks like hacking.

Furthermore, given the volatility of the cryptocurrency market, it is certain that investments in cryptocurrency exchange-traded funds may also see significant price swings, particularly in the case of funds with physical backing. As a result, investors are ultimately responsible for the safety of any cryptocurrency investments, and this depends on their understanding of the prons and cons of various financial instruments.

How Do I Invest in a Cryptocurrency ETF?

If you want to diversify your portfolio but don’t want to actively manage your cryptocurrency assets, trading cryptocurrency exchange-traded funds (ETFs) may be a better option. Follow the steps below to invest in blockchain-based ETFs:

  • Open an account with brokers by following and completing their sign-up prompt.
  • Determine how much of your total investment budget you want to put into ETFs.
  • Fund your brokerage account and search for the crypto ETFs in which you wish to invest. For example, if you want to buy ProShares Etherium Strategy ETF, enter BITO (ticker symbol) into the search bar.
  • Place a market order for the cryptocurrency ETFs you want to acquire. Click the Buy button. Enter the number of shares you can buy with your current budget.
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FAQs About Cryptocurrency Exchange-Traded Funds (ETFs) 

What is a Cryptocurrency ETF?

Cryptocurrency ETFs are funds that track cryptocurrency prices and trade on standard market platforms. They enable investors to trade cryptocurrencies without the need for a cryptocurrency exchange, while leveraging the underlying crypto price.

How is the crypto ETF price controlled?

The underlying assets influence how much the price of cryptocurrency exchange-traded funds (ETFs) fluctuates. A Bitcoin ETF should ideally move 5% for every 1% change in the price of Bitcoin. There may occasionally be price slippage and even mistakes because cryptocurrencies, are not regulated. Thus, depending on how the prices of derivatives like futures and options respond, abrupt changes in the value of the crypto assets may result in a delayed reaction in the value of the crypto ETF.

Is it better to own crypto or ETF?

Well, we can’t conclude which of them is better however, if you don’t want to actively manage your cryptocurrency investments and are looking for a strategy to diversify your portfolio with a high-risk, high-reward asset, investing in a cryptocurrency ETF is preferable to buying the real tokens themselves.

How to buy crypto ETFs?

Here’s what you have to do to buy cryptocurrency ETFs:

Open a Brokerage Account. 

Determine how much you want to invest in the crypto ETF. 

Search for the Ticker Symbol. 

Place a Market Order. 


The Cryptocurrency Exchange-Traded Funds (ETFs) was established to imitate the basic cryptocurrency’s price movements. As a result, cryptocurrency ETFs either own cryptocurrency futures, options, or other crypto-based securities that are backed by physical crypto assets or synthetic variants such as derivatives.

Also, keep in mind that crypto exchange-traded funds are issued and traded on well-known, regulated exchanges. It provides you with the opportunity to diversify your asset, as well as ease and low cost of ownership. However, the cryptocurrency market is incredibly volatile, so make sure you do your homework before investing in this market.

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