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How To Become An Accredited Investor

How To Become An Accredited Investor

Accredited investors can invest in securities that are not registered with the SEC. These individual or entities must meet specific income and net worth guidelines to become an accredited investor.

Unlike non-accredited investors, accredited investors have more opportunities to make money. Companies and private funds are allowed to sell certain investments to accredited investors without having to register with the SEC.

This allows accredited investors to invest in private equity, private placements, hedge funds, venture capital, and equity crowdfunding. However, the SEC sets the requirements for who can take part in these opportunities.


Many people think there is a process to become an accredited investor, but this is not the case. No government agency or independent body reviews an investor’s credentials, and no certification exam or piece of paper exists to show that someone is an accredited investor.

Instead, the companies that offer unregistered securities check a potential investor’s status by conducting due diligence prior to sale. This article explains the requirements to become an accredited investor, how to determine if you qualify, and the screening process that investment managers use to verify accredited investor status.

Pros and Cons of Becoming an Accredited Investor


Being an accredited investor provides a significant financial advantage over others as it grants access to exclusive investment opportunities that are not available to individuals with lower net worth or salary. As accredited investors are among the wealthiest, this exclusive access to investments has the potential to further increase their wealth.

Accredited investors may have access to investments that offer higher rates of return, better diversification, and other beneficial attributes that can accelerate wealth building, allowing them to achieve their financial goals in a shorter time frame

Hedge funds serve as a straightforward example of the advantage of being an accredited investor since they often require high minimum investment amounts and carry greater risks. Accredited investors can invest in hedge funds, which are typically only accessible to them, and potentially reap exceptional returns

Although in recent years, hedge funds have struggled to outperform the market, historically, many hedge funds have achieved exceptional returns, providing their investors with high returns over a short period.


Being an accredited investor has its drawbacks too. The investments meant for accredited investors come with high risks, which is the first con. Many funds employ risky strategies to outperform the market. Secondly, the minimum investment requirement is also high for these investments. A small deposit will not work; investors need to commit a few hundred thousand or even millions of dollars. Losing such an amount can be a significant setback. Thirdly, the fees associated with accredited investor investments are also high. These investments come with additional performance fees and management fees, which can range from 15% to 20%. Lastly, investors may face difficulty accessing their investment capital. Unlike buying stocks online, investment in hedge funds may lead to capital lockup for a year or more, making it an illiquid investment option

Requirements to Become An Accredited Investor

The SEC sets the criteria for being an accredited investor in the US. There are four ways to qualify, such as meeting the Income Test, which requires an annual income of $200,000 for two consecutive years or a joint income of $300,000 with an expectation to keep it up. Alternatively, they can qualify for the Net Worth Test by having a net worth of at least $1 million, excluding their primary residence. They may also pass the Professional Designation Test by holding a financial professional certification. Finally, they can qualify through the Entity Test by representing an entity with assets over $5 million. These requirements aim to ensure that investors possess the financial expertise and resources to manage the risks associated with particular investments. Being an accredited investor provides access to private equity, venture capital, hedge funds, and other investments that are not open to the general public.

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How to Become an Accredited Investor

Having learned about accredited investors and the necessary qualifications for becoming one, it is now essential to understand the steps required to attain accredited investor status. With a clear understanding of the requirements, the process of verification becomes more straightforward. Therefore, let’s delve into the steps involved in becoming an accredited investor.

Follow these steps to become an accredited investor:

  • Calculate Your Net Worth
  • Gather Financial Documentation
  • Get Verified

1. Calculate Your Net Worth

Earlier in our example section, we provided a detailed explanation of how to calculate your net worth. In summary, you need to subtract your total liabilities from your total assets. If you included the value of your primary residence, remember to subtract it out as per the SEC rules.

2. Gather Financial Documentation

After calculating your net worth, the next step is to gather the necessary documents to prove it. This includes copies of your tax returns, credit report, bank statements, retirement account statements, and other investment account statements. Having these documents on hand will help verify your financial standing and eligibility for accredited investor status.

3. Get verified

Once you have gathered all the necessary documents to prove your net worth, the next step is to get verified as an accredited investor. To do this, you will need to fill out investor questionnaires provided by companies issuing unregistered securities. These questionnaires help to verify that you have the proper qualifications and credentials for the investment.

During the verification process, you will be required to provide personal and financial information, as well as the documentation you collected earlier. Once you have completed the questionnaire and signed the document, the process will be complete. Be sure to keep a copy of the questionnaire for your records and remain vigilant for investment opportunities that could add diversity to your portfolio

Are There Other Ways of Becoming an Accredited Investor?

It’s worth noting that there are alternative methods for becoming an accredited investor that do not necessarily follow the traditional process. In some cases, individuals may be assigned the accredited investor designation through unique scenarios. For instance, directors, executives, and partners of a securities firm may automatically qualify as accredited investors. Similarly, financial professionals who hold FINRA Series 7, 62, or 65 certifications may also be considered accredited investors. Lastly, a professional who manages a trust with over $5 million in total assets may be eligible for the designation as well

Some Online Courses On Investments

#1. Financial Markets

This course is about how people handle risks and create businesses. It focuses on leadership skills that relate to finance. The course examines current practices and future possibilities. The course covers risk management and behavioral finance to understand how financial industries work. The goal is to use these industries to create a better society.

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#2. Investment Management Specialization

This specialization aims to teach you how to create investment strategies that can achieve financial goals in a global context. You will learn both theoretical and practical skills that you can use to make investment decisions, manage personal assets or client portfolios, and discuss investment proposals with your advisor. The course begins by helping you develop a global understanding of financial markets and how rational and irrational behaviors can impact them at both micro and macro levels.

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Furthermore, You will then learn how to build and manage a portfolio with a long-term perspective while exploring recent research advances and future trends in finance and related fields. In the final Capstone Project, you will create a 5-year investment plan that takes into account an investor’s objectives and constraints in a constantly evolving economic landscape. The course will feature contributions from UBS, our corporate partner, whose experienced speakers will provide practical insights into the investment management industry.

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#3. Financial Planning for Young Adults

FPYA, a course developed in collaboration with the CFP Board, is aimed at introducing basic financial planning concepts to young adults. The course is divided into eight modules, which are covered within a four-week period. The modules cover various topics such as financial goal setting, saving and investing, budgeting, financial risk, borrowing, and credit. The course aims to help participants define their own financial goals and objectives, and provide tools that can aid in achieving those goals.

The course consists of traditional lecture-style videos and video vignettes that introduce financial topics for discussion among participants. The video vignettes present real-world scenarios where financial decisions must be made and financial planning concepts can be applied. Participants are encouraged to think critically about each scenario and decide how they would resolve the situation if faced with a similar challenge. The video vignettes provide a unique and exciting element to the course

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#4. Fundamentals of Investing

This course is designed for beginner investors who want to gain a better understanding of investing and how it can fit into their financial plan. It is taught by a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ Professional and covers various investment vehicles, risk tolerance, diversification, active and passive investing, investment fees, and taxes.

Whether you are a new investor or want to take a more hands-on approach to your investment decisions, this course can provide you with the knowledge to feel confident in making investment decisions for yourself and your family. It is important to note that this course is intended for learners in the United States of America.

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#5. Finance for Non-Finance Professionals

This course offers an overview of topics covered in a full semester MBA level finance course. The approach is intuitive and conceptual, aiming to provide a roadmap and framework for financial decision-making by professionals.

The course covers the basics of financial valuation, time value of money, compounding returns, and discounting the future. You will gain an understanding of discounted cash flow (DCF) valuation and its comparison to other methods. Additionally, the course offers insights into the mindset of a corporate financial manager and the tools required for capital budgeting. We will explore how, when, and where to invest money, tradeoffs between investment, growth, dividends, and maintaining fiscal discipline.

The course also covers a Wall Street or capital markets perspective of investments and discusses the tradeoff between risk and return. It then synthesizes the discussion of risk with the valuation framework and provides direct applications to practice

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FAQs on Becoming an Accredited Investor

What Is the Benefit of Being an Accredited Investor?

Being an accredited investor provides several benefits, such as access to unique investment opportunities that are not available to non-accredited investors. This opens up a wider range of investment options that may have higher returns and better diversification potential for your portfolio.

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Additionally, accredited investors may also have access to exclusive investment vehicles, such as private equity, venture capital, and hedge funds, which can offer exceptional returns in a short period of time. These investments typically require higher minimum investment amounts and may come with higher risks, but the potential rewards are often worth it for accredited investors who have the resources and financial expertise to manage the risks.

What Happens if You Lie About Being an Accredited Investor?

It’s essential to note that lying about being an accredited investor is not advisable. The responsibility of determining an investor’s qualifications falls on the investment vehicle or fund. If an investor falsely claims they are accredited, the fund or investment vehicle will be held accountable.

Additionally, in certain regions, non-accredited investors have the right to rescind. If an investor decides to withdraw their funds prematurely, they can claim that they were never accredited and receive their money back. However, providing fake documents, such as forged financial statements or tax returns, to invest in a fund is never a good idea. It could lead to legal problems down the line.

How Much Can an Accredited Investor Invest?

Accredited investors

do not have an overall limit on the amount of their own capital that they can invest in various investments. However, individual deals or funds may have their own limits and caps on the amount of investment they will accept from an investor.

Do You Have to Prove You Are an Accredited Investor?

to prove that you meet the requirements set by the SEC. As an accredited investor, it’s important to keep in mind that the investment vehicle is responsible for verifying your status, and you should never provide falsified documents to gain access to investment opportunities. Additionally, each investment opportunity may have its own requirements and limitations on investment amounts, so it’s important to do your research and understand the terms before investing your money

How Do Firms Determine If You Are an Accredited Investor?

The SEC issues guidelines to help firms know whether an investor can be considered accredited. A firm will likely have you fill out a questionnaire regarding your status. Also, They can also ask to review your:

  • Bank and other account statements
  • Credit report
  • W-2 or other earnings statements
  • Tax returns
  • Credentials issued by the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA), if any

These can help a firm determine both your financial qualifications as an investor, both of which can impact your status as an accredited investor.


becoming an accredited investor is a significant step towards unlocking a world of investment opportunities that are typically unavailable to the general public. As an accredited investor, you’ll have access to a wider range of investment options, including private equity, hedge funds, and other alternative investments that can potentially provide higher returns than traditional investments.

So, By meeting the qualifications of an accredited investor, you’ll demonstrate that you have the financial knowledge and resources necessary to make informed investment decisions. So, if you’re looking to take your investment portfolio to the next level, becoming an accredited investor could be the key to unlocking your full potential as an investor.

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