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What Is NFT Blockchain? | Everything You Need To Know

What Is NFT Blockchain? | Everything You Need To Know

Looking for information about the NFT Blockchain? Then you need to peruse this post.

In 2020 NFT market experienced dramatic bearish growth with trading increasing to billions of dollars in 2022.

Just as everyone thought Bitcoin was the digital money of the era, NFTs are now transforming the world of digital art and collectibles, making them a popular means to acquire and trade digital artwork.

Furthermore, one of the benefits of trading these non-fungible tokens, is that they cannot be replaced or interchanged and they are traded and stored in the NFT blockchain.

With proper knowledge, you can either purchase or create and mint your art collections and place then in the marketplace while you watch your asset appreciate in value.

If you want to learn more about NFT blockchain and how it works then you’ve come to the right place. 


In this post, you will be learning about what NFT is all about, what they are used for, how it works, and how you can mint and purchase this tokens.

Read on to learn all you need to know about the NFT blockchain.

Table of Contents

What is an NFT?

NFT is a digital asset that represents Internet assets such as art, music, and video games purchased and sold online using cryptocurrencies with an authentic certificate generated by NFT blockchain technology.

When someone purchases a non-fungible token, they acquire ownership of the material, but it can still circulate on the Internet. An NFT might develop popularity in this manner since the more it is seen online, the more it appreciates.

When the asset is sold, the original developer receives a 10% cut of the proceeds, followed by a tiny portion going to the trading platform and the remaining money going to the current owner. Thus, popular digital assets have the potential to provide recurring income as they are bought and sold over time.  

However, many NFTs include digital works that already exist in some form or other elsewhere, for instance as legendary video clips from NBA games.

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For example, prominent digital artist Mike Winklemann, better known as “Beeple,” created one of the most famous NFTs of the time, which was sold for a whopping $69.3 million.

In addition, the co-founder of Twitter Jack Dorsey sold his very first tweet as an NFT for over $2.9 million.

How Does the NFT Blockchain Work?

NFTs are rooted in the blockchain, which is a distributed public ledger that documents transactions. Blockchain is the fundamental technology that makes the trading and storage of cryptocurrencies possible.

Generally, NFTs are commonly held on the Ether blockchain, though they can also be held on other blockchains. An NFT is “minted” from digital objects that represent both tangible and intangible elements, such as:

  • Art
  • GIFs
  • Music
  • Collectibles
  • Designer sneakers
  • Videos and sports highlights
  • Virtual avatars and video game

Generally, NFTs are like physical collector’s items but only digital. So rather than obtaining an actual oil painting to hang on the wall, the buyer buys a digital file instead.

Creators and buyers will also have sole ownership rights. This is because NFTs can only have one owner at a time. The uniqueness of NFTs makes it simple to validate ownership and transfer tokens between owners.

Additionally, they can also be used to hold specific information by the owner or author. Artists, for instance, can sign their work by using their signature in the metadata of an NFT.

What are NFTs Used For?

The NFT Blockchain technology enable artists and content creators to monetize their products and artworks. As a result, artists no longer have to rely on galleries or auction houses to sell their work.

Now, the artist can sell their work directly to the consumer as an NFT, allowing them to keep a larger portion of the proceeds. Additionally, artists can encode royalties into their software so that every time their work is sold to a new buyer, they will receive a percentage of the transaction.

How are Non-Fungible Tokens Created?

An artist, creator, or license holder mints a non-fungible token (NFT). Minting is a procedure that requires signing an NFT blockchain transaction and outlining the essential token details, which are then broadcasted to the blockchain to trigger a smart contract process that generates the token and assigns it to its owner.

A non-fungible token is made up of an exclusive token ID that is linked to an owner’s identity and stored inside a smart contract.

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It is simple to establish ownership and assign the token to a new owner when the owner of a certain token ID wants to transfer it to another user.

Also Read: Pros and Cons of Investing in NFTs

How do I Buy NFTs?

If you’re considering creating or buying your NFT collection, then the following steps should guide you.

To start, you have to obtain a digital wallet that enables you to store NFTs and cryptocurrencies.

Then, depending on which currencies your NFT provider allows, you will have to purchase some cryptocurrency, most likely Ether.

You may purchase cryptocurrency on platforms such as Coinbase, Kraken, and Binance, among others. After that, you’ll need to transfer it from the exchange to your preferred wallet.

NB: When researching your options, keep in mind that most exchanges charge at least a portion of your transaction when you acquire cryptocurrency.

When your wallet is ready, proceed to one of the NFT marketplaces like OpenSea, Rarible, or Foundation to buy the NFT. Here are our top recommendations for the well-known NFT market.

Where can I Buy NFTs?

The following are our top picks for the top non-fungible token trading marketplace:


OpenSea is one of the most prominent NFT markeplace developed by Alex Atallah and Devin Finzer.

OpenSea allows NFT to be sold directly at a fixed price or through an auction, and they can be purchased using Etherium or a credit or debit card. All you need to do is to sign up and you can browse through their NFT collections. 

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If you’re looking for art NFTs, Foundation is a great place to start because they have a huge selection and make sure the original producers get royalties on every sale.

Foundation allows you to create and acquire a wide range of unique photos, movies, and 3D objects. Its original creators receive 95% of initial sales and 10% of secondary sales, with a 5% marketplace charge deducted by Foundation. So, if someone purchases your NFT and resells it, you’ll receive 10% of the purchase price.

Furthermore, if an NFT was a collaborative work, Foundation allows you to split revenues. When minting NFTs, you can establish a Split and enter the wallet addresses of up to four recipients, as well as the percentage each will receive.

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Rarible is another NFT trading platform it was created by Alex Salnikov and Alexei Falin.

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Hence, Rarible uses the Ethereum blockchain to incorporate the complete ownership and transaction history of an NFT into its programming. Digital artwork, memes, and virtual land are just a few of the NFTs offered in Rarible’s marketplace.

In addition, Rarible charges 1% for each sale made on the marketplace, from both the buyer and the seller. Holders can also vote on features like fees and community guidelines.

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FAQs About What Is NFT Blockchain?

Should I invest in NFT?

Although experts believe that NFTs are an excellent investment because they can be resold for a profit. NFTs, however, are risky tokens because their value is solely dependent on what someone else is ready to pay for them.

As a result, its prices and relevancy is driven by demand. This means that an NFT could be resold for less than what you bought it, and if no one wants it, you might not be able to resell it at all.

So investing in NFTs is a personal decision, do your due diligence and consider the risk involved before investing in the NFT market.

What are the best ways to make money from NFTs?

Some of the best ways to optimize the return from NFTs are by obtaining royalties, renting property, exchanging NFTs, playing NFT games, and adopting NFT-powered yield farming.

What is the difference between NFT and cryptocurrency?

While NFTs and cryptocurrencies use the blockchain network for ownership and storage of all tokens, NFT, however, cannot be swapped for securities on online markets directly for another NFT. Crypto currency, on the other hand, can be traded for other tokens. For example Bitcoin, Ethereum, Dogecoin etc can be traded for other tokens.

How can I buy NFTs?

Most non-fungible tokens can be bought by Ether. So, you will have to first buy etherium then, transfer it to your desired NFT trading platform and purchase the NFTs using Ethereum.


NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens), as the name implies, are digital assets produced by an artist, creator, or license holder through a procedure known as minting.

Just as we’ve earlier established, they are authenticated digital valuables, just as digital works of art, music, and games, that can be purchased and sold online using cryptocurrencies and they are stored on the NFT blockchain.

Artists can earn money from their work with the use of NFT, and you can produce or buy this token on platforms like OpenSea, Foundation, or Rarible.

Although thousands of NFT creators are hosted by these platforms. Ensure to carry out your due diligence before buying as this article is for educational purposes alone and not financial advice.


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