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Cryptocurrency Hard Forks vs. Airdrops: What's the Difference?

Cryptocurrency Hard Forks vs. Airdrops: What’s the Difference?

Different categories of cryptocurrencies have different currencies that affect the market. However, we mostly typically discuss Bitcoin, Ethereum, or other significant cryptos in the crypto blockchain. While unmentioned currencies are those distributed by hard forks and airdrops. Looking at Cryptocurrency Hard Forks vs. Airdrops, what is the relationship

The experts at BlockFarm are confident that being educated is crucial. Such goes to those curious about this quickly expanding market or who have begun investing and trading in crypto. So let’s learn more about Cryptocurrency Hard Forks vs. Airdrops. In Addition, discover why they are regarded as the key foundational elements of the entire cryptocurrency industry.


Important Facts About Cryptocurrency Hard Forks vs. Air drops

  • A blockchain splits permanently when there has been a modification to the code, and this difference is known as a hard fork.
  • Due to this, two routes are created, one of which contains the updated blockchain and the other the original blockchain.
  • A modern cryptocurrency token is instantly placed into clients’ wallets as part of an airdrop.
  • If a digital currency splits into two, the new coin could be delivered directly to users’ wallets using an airdrop.

What Is a Hard Fork?

To blockchain technology, a hard fork is a fundamental modification to a network’s protocol that renders formerly invalidated blocks valid. Every node or user must update to the most recent protocol edition after a hard fork.

Designers or members of the cryptocurrency community who become dissatisfied with the features provided by the current blockchain solutions may start forks. They could potentially become a means of crowdsourcing capital for innovative technologies or cryptocurrency offerings.

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More About Hard Fork

A hard fork occurs when nodes of the most recent iteration of a blockchain stop accepting the previous iteration. Such resulting in an irreversible divergence from the prior iteration of the network. A blockchain effectively splits when a new rule is added to the code. One path proceeds along the updated blockchain, whereas the other path stays on the original path. People using an older chain will typically rapidly update to the most recent version after realizing that their copy of the blockchain is obsolete or irrelevant.

Reasons For a Hard Fork

Designers may incorporate a hard fork for several justifications, including dealing with critical security flaws discovered in earlier iterations of the software adding new features, undo transactions, as was the case with the Ethereum blockchain’s hard fork to undoing the security hole on the Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO). Following the breach, the Ethereum public nearly unanimously decided to support a hard fork to reverse the operations that an unidentified hacker used to steal millions of dollars worth value of a virtual currency. Owners of DAO tokens were also able to receive their ether (ETH) assets back thanks to the hard fork. The network’s ledger was not completely unravelled by the hard fork proposal. Instead, it moved the DAO-related cash to a brand-new smart contract that was only intended to allow the original owners to withdraw their money.

What Is a Cryptocurrency Airdrop?

A marketing tactic known as a bitcoin airdrop is transferring cash to wallet credential limit edited portion of the new digital currencies are transferred for free or in exchange for a little contribution, like retweeting a post from the business generating it, towards the wallets of prominent users of the blockchain ecosystem. A crypto airdrop’s main objective is to raise interest in and use of a fresh token or coin.

More About Airdrops

A crypto airdrop is a marketing tactic commonly used by blockchain-based firms to kickstart a venture for a digital currency. Whenever a cryptocurrency venture launches an initial coin offering (ICO) listing on an open market, its goal is to rathe its exposure of it and encourage more people to trade in it (ICO).

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Typically, airdrops are advertised on the business’ webpage, social media outlets, and cryptocurrency discussion forums. Only specified wallets founded on the blockchain system or coins stored in active wallets are used to send coins or tokens.

Types of Crypto Airdrops

#1. Standard Airdrop

In a typical crypto airdrop, individuals who are seeking to participate in the airdrop only indicate their interest in doing so.

#2. Bounty Airdrop

When users complete certain activities, they tend to receive a cryptocurrency reward in form of an airdrop. These duties frequently involve spreading the word about a venture on social media by publishing and tagging the business or by retweeting a current tweet about the initiative.

#3. Holder Airdrop

According to who is retaining preexisting tokens and the number of tokens they own, holder currency airdrops happen automatically.

#4. Exclusive Airdrop

Exclusive crypto airdrops, a more specific kind of holder airdrop, take place when particular people are hand-picked for the airdrop.

#5. Raffle Airdrop

A lottery airdrop may be paired with some of the aforementioned airdrop categories. A project will frequently announce the numbering of airdrops they plan to offer while enticing users to earn lottery tickets.

Cryptocurrency Hard Forks vs. Airdrops

 Every time this happens, owners of the previous digital currency are frequently granted new tokens, usually in an amount equal to what they now own. For instance, in the event f a Bitcoin Cash hard fork, owners of Bitcoin were awarded an equal number of Bitcoin Cash tokens once the t the timeline stipulated by the fork’s authors.

In other instances, an airdrop occurs simply to increase awareness of a fresh token or coin. Bitcoin and Ethereum owners might be taken aback to witness the inclusion of fresh currencies in particular wallets. Since many of these gratuitous gifts result in an excess of coins on the marketplace, some in the ecosystem of digital currencies consider airdrops of this kind to be primarily a pointless exercise.

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Investors who have unexpectedly received tokens for nothing frequently sell those tokens after receiving them. If several individuals do this action, the cost of the fresh token will usually fall dramatically. This situation has led to the failure of some cryptocurrencies to gain traction. An airdrop in these circumstances differs from something like a hard fork because it does not produce two different versions of the same fundamental cryptocurrency. Instead, it results in the creation of a fresh coin, which may or may not last over time.

Frequently Asked Questions

What benefit does a hard fork offer?

Fixing major security vulnerabilities in the previous protocol and providing new features are two of its most significant benefits. A wonderful example of addressing substantial security problems is Ethereum.

Is a crypto hard fork beneficial?

A hard fork, which divides a singular cryptocurrency into parts, might validate blocks and operations that were either inadmissible or acceptable in the past. Because of thall developers just update to the most recent protocol software.

How much wealth does a hard fork double?

Yes. If you had a given number of bitcoins at the moment of the fork, you would have the same number of BTUs and BTCs after the fork (doubling the amount). Both of these coins won’t work together after the fork.


Hard forks and airdrops may resemble one another in various ways. Airdrops, for instance, can occur at the same time as new tokens start to appear in the cryptocurrency market, much like hard forks do. However, their ideas are dissimilar. An airdrop is when a new coin is deposited straight into traders’ wallets, whereas a hard fork is when a blockchain permanently splits.

We at BlockFarm are trying our best to assist people in staying informed and gaining more knowledge about the fascinating cryptocurrency business as the market for cryptocurrencies expands and garners attention.

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