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Web 3.0 Explained: The Future of the Internet

Web 3.0 Explained: The Future of the Internet

Since the invention of Web 1.0, there has been a consistent increase in the desire for more improved media content. This gave birth to Web 2 popularly known as the social web but it still has limitations because users started seeking for privacy to avoid the exploitation of personalized information. This paves the way for Web 3.0 which will protect users’ privacy and will come with higher AI capabilities.

In this new generation of the Web, the user’s experience will be tailored to their preferences and needs. Also, users will be able to save data that cannot be viewed by third parties.

Although Web 3.0 is still in its early stage yet, it is already altering the way businesses and transactions are carried out online. But what exactly is Web3, is Web 3 the future of the Internet? How will it change the way we do business?


This article has been researched and written to help you understand what Web 3.0 is all about as well as the future outlook of this technological trend.

Table of Contents

What is Web 3.0?

Web 3.0 is more like the iteration of the internet that the world has been operating in for decades. In this era, websites and apps will be able to process information through artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML), natural language processing (NLP), Big Data, decentralized technology, and more.

Also, experts agree that blockchain-powered applications will be critical to its success in ensuring proper decentralization, while AI and ML tools will assist in automating and scaling it as needed to become a semantic web.

Tim Berners-Lee, the creator of the World Wide Web, first referred to Web 3.0 as the Semantic Web. Its goal was to create a more independent, intelligent, and open internet. Web 3.0 will therefore be more secure, scalable, and user-friendly while also providing improved privacy.

Meanwhile, a thorough knowledge of how the internet has changed since the web 1.0 period would guide the best way to pinpoint the main advantages of Web 3.0. So, let’s take a look at how the internet has evolved.

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Evolution of the Internet into the Web3 

As previously stated, Web 3 is still in its infancy; nonetheless, it arose from the natural evolution of older-generation web tools paired with classic technology such as AI and blockchain, as well as user interconnection and increased internet usage.

Web 1.0

Web 1.0 also known as, the Static Web, was the earliest and most trustworthy internet in the 1990s despite only providing access to a small amount of information and requiring little to no user activity.

Consequently, users found it incredibly difficult to obtain relevant information in Web 1.0 because there were no algorithms to sort internet sites. Simply said, during the Web 1.0 era, users typically browsed the web to read articles without leaving comments.

Web 2.0

Unlike in the Web 1.0 period, Web 2.0 made the internet much more interactive, allowing you to communicate with friends, exchange content, and interact with people on smartphone apps in addition to passively reading websites on a personal computer.

This paved the way for companies to create social networks such as YouTube, Facebook, Wikipedia, Twitter, and many others. Meanwhile, this is where they began selling customers’ data and violating users privacy.

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What are the Features of Web 3.0?

Web3 is the next stage of the web’s evolution, which aims to provide the internet with a higher level of information processing capabilities that are nearly human-like through the use of AI systems. The four key features of Web 3.0 are:

  • Semantic Web
  • Ubiquitous
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Spatial and 3D Graphics

#1. Semantic Web

Semantics is the study of the links between words, patterns, and data. Machines in a semantic web may evaluate web material and form relationships in the same way that people do. Similarly, semantics would assist web apps with decoding meaning, emotions, and hidden patterns to provide a better online experience. As a result, internet users will have a better experience as a result of improved data connectivity.

#2. Ubiquitous

Ubiquity refers to the ability to be everywhere at the same time. This means that Web 3.0 will make the internet available to everyone, at any time and from any location. At some point, internet-connected devices will no longer be limited to computers and smartphones, as they were in Web 2.0 because IoT (Internet of Things) technology will enable the development of a multitude of new sorts of smart gadgets.

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#3. Artificial Intelligence

Web 3.0 relies on artificial intelligence technologies such as Big Data, Data Analytics, and Machine Learning. Now, apps and websites are becoming smarter at understanding their users’ emotions and expressions. Although Web 2.0 has similar features, it is still mostly human-based, making it easier to engage in biased behaviors such as product reviews and ratings.

With the AI integration into Web 3.0, it will allow blogs and other online platforms to sift through data and personalize it to each user’s preferences. Consequently, AI will eventually be able to present people with the best filtered and unbiased data available as it improves.

#4. Spatial and 3D Graphics

Web 3.0 will be more spatial as a result of advancements in 3D graphics, augmented reality, and virtual reality. In contrast to their 2D counterparts, 3D visuals offer a higher level of realism not only in futuristic gaming applications like Decentraland but also in a variety of other industries, including engineering, real estate, medicine, and e-commerce.

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Best Web 3.0 Applications

Web 3.0 is already being used in several applications and uses across many industries to digest vast amounts of data and turn it into factual knowledge and valuable actions for consumers. Some examples of applications that utilize Web3 technologies are: 

  • Siri
  • Wolfram Alpha 
  • Meta (Facebook)

#1. Siri

Since its initial release in the iPhone 4S model, Apple’s voice-activated AI assistant has become more sophisticated and has increased its abilities.

To be able to respond to various queries from its customers, Siri makes use of voice recognition technology and artificial intelligence, two essential elements of Web 3.

Nowadays, Siri and other AI assistants like Amazon’s Alexa and Samsung’s Bixby can understand questions like “where is the closest coffee shop” and provide accurate feedback right away.

#2. Meta (Facebook)

Facebook now rebranded as Meta is the next evolution in a long line of social technologies. Meta is one of the leading social network platforms in the world with about 2.91 billion monthly active users. 

In October 2021, the parent company of Facebook changed its name from Facebook to Meta to reflect its focus on building the metaverse. Meta focus will be to bring the metaverse to life and help people connect, find communities, and grow businesses using the Web 3.0 internet 

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Although it’s still under development, the metaverse will feel like a hybrid of today’s online social experiences, sometimes expanded into 3D or projected into the physical world. It will allow you to share immersive experiences with individuals from all around the world.

#3. Wolfram Alpha

Wolfram Alpha is a “computational knowledge engine” that uses computation to answer your questions rather than providing a list of websites, as search engines do. Thus, Wolfram Alpha aspires to be the premier Web 3.0 application. Based on knowledge cleverness, it can provide you with better and more detailed information in less time than even Google Search Engine.

FAQs About Web 3.0 Explained: The Future Of The Internet

How will Web 3.0 change the internet?

Web3 aims at changing the Internet by coming up with innovations that will transform how business and things are done online. This internet will be built on the blockchain network, which has the potential to be a decentralized ecosystem that will improve communication, security, and user privacy while also facilitating rapid transactions.

How Web 3.0 can transform the world?

Web3 would ensure that end users have complete control over their personal data. This will ensure users exchange information based on their interests. As a result, web3 may offer the benefit of avoiding manipulation and interference with consumer data by tech giants.

What are the advantages of Web 3.0?

The following are the advantages of Web 3.0:

Data Ownership.


Fewer Intermediaries.

Efficient searching and information linking. 

Personalized Web Experience. 

Uninterrupted services. 

Improved Marketing.



Over the last three decades, the internet has evolved from the static web to the social web and now to a more hybrid web that would ensure data privacy, transparency, and better security.

Web 3.0 would allow for decentralized control of digital assets such as tokens and data. Additionally, creators would have complete ownership of their work, allowing them to find new tools and platforms to broaden their reach.

Although it’s still under developmento, this disruptive technology will change the way business and communication are done online. Hence, Web 3.0 is the future of the internet and it has come to stay! Therefore, it is time for businesses to take the necessary measures in adopting their businesses with these changes.

Editor’s Recommendation


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