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Top 10 Free Online Courses By Stanford 2023

Top 10 Free Online Courses By Stanford 2023

Looking to study at Stanford university is a dream of many scholars in the world today. Well, be it as it may that many individuals don’t get their way into Stanford, there are free online courses by Stanford that individuals can take.

This article is aimed at providing the needed information about Stanford education and how it stands to benefit the scholar, offering several free online courses one can take.


We recommend going through the content properly to make the most out of it.

Stanford (Overview)

Stanford University’s formal name is Leland Stanford. (The independent research institution Stanford Junior University) is located in Stanford, California. Moreover, Over 17,000 students are enrolled on the campus, which is one of the biggest in the country at 8,180 acres (3,310 hectares). One of the most prestigious colleges in the globe is Stanford.

Leland & Jane Stanford established Stanford in 1885 in honour of their single kid, Leland Stanford Jr., who’d already passed away from typhoid disease at the age of 15 the year before. Former California governor & U.S. senator Leland Stanford amassed wealth as a railroad magnate. On October 1, 1891, the coeducational, nondenominational university welcomed its first pupils. Leland Stanford died in 1893, while Stanford University suffered monetarily again following the 1906 earthquake in San Francisco, severely devastating much of the campus. After World War II, Stanford’s provost, Frederick Terman, encouraged and aided faculty members’ & alumni’ entrepreneurialism to develop a self-regional industry that became recognized as Silicon Valley, a Tech sector.

Why Get Certified By Stanford?

The majority of this virtual learning system’s programs are from Stanford University. In addition to providing free courses, they are crucial in helping people develop or change their careers. Here are just a few of the various advantages of attending online courses at Stanford University.

#1. Program of Your Dream

You can also get your ideal degree through the regular education system, but you’ll have to leave your hometown, live in a city you don’t know and fight for your education in a hostile environment. However, You can enrol in your favourite course or programme at Stanford University online without having to leave your hometown or face difficult learning conditions.

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#2. Comfort

You no longer need to spend a lot of time in class, sit in reclining seats, or experience back discomfort thanks to Stanford University’s online courses, which provide access to all necessary readings including lectures.

#3. A Strength of Your CV

Courses online from Stanford University are similar to a diamond on your résumé. Prospective employers will take note of your commitment to studying as well as your eagerness to expand your skill set and knowledge regardless where your profession is headed. Online degrees nowadays are in no way harmful to traditional ones. However, any working professionals who enrolled in Stanford University’s online courses saw career advancement.

Top 10 Free Online Courses By Stanford

Below entails 10 free Online Courses by Stanford.

#1. America’s Poverty and Inequality Course

This is a quick lesson on issues of wealth, poverty and inequality that exist in Modern America, examining how race and gender connect to them. One of the things that makes this kind, of course, stand out is that it breaks down the lessons into short, in-depth films and brings in well-known academics to talk about the subject. The most recent research and figures are presented in each video’s companion readings.

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#2. Giving 2.0

This course assists students in evaluating and strengthening their non-profit strategy, utilizing technology to their advantage, and volunteering more successfully. Additionally, it offers chances for small virtual teams to get together and exchange concepts.

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#3. International Women’s Health and Human Rights

Whatever your area of business, this program can provide you with a deeper knowledge of the challenges that women experience worldwide, such as hunger, poverty, discrimination based on gender, uneven opportunities for education, as well as violence, among other things. While taking part in lively debates on such subjects, students learn about HIV/AIDS, childbearing, forced prostitution, conflict, refugee crises, & education.

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#4. Love as a Force for Social Justice

This course aims to emphasize the importance of love as a source of good, not just in our intimate relationships. During the 6 weeks of instruction, love is examined from a variety of angles, such as religion, biology, and ethical principles. Moreover, this course also talks about the value of nonviolent interactions and building communities. After finishing it, you’ll have a better idea of how to use compassion to advocate for different social causes.

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#5. Disaster Medicine Training

Such a program, which was created by SEMPER, a Stanford Emergency Medicine Programme for Emergency Response, gives all medical practitioners interested in disaster healthcare a base of information. Therefore, It offers recommendations for teams to adhere to a continuous training schedule, do fresh research to advance their knowledge in this field, but also be self-sufficient during the first 72 hours following a disaster.

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#6. American Prophet: The Inner Life and Global Vision of Martin Luther King, Jr.

The Civil Rights Movement as well as Martin Luther King, Jr. have been the subject of innumerable books and films, but few examine Dr. King’s own innermost thoughts. This course will give students a deeper knowledge of both MLK as well as his beliefs through the use of primary sources, such as his unreleased manuscripts but also sermons, as well as on-location recordings of locations King frequently addressed.

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#7. Quantum Mechanics

Students who have completed physical engineering or science at the collegiate level are eligible for this program. It discusses the fundamental ideas as well as measures of quantum mechanics, an unpredictability concept, the hydrogen ion, plus how to use these principles to address issues in disciplines like nanotechnology & photonics.

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#8. Language, Proof, and Logic

Critical thinking abilities are crucial, particularly when battling wrong information. The fundamental tenet of all reasoning that one assertion must follow logically from another—is dissected in this course. These teachings can not only help you refute untrue assertions and win arguments, but they can also assist you in navigating life more effectively by enabling you make more sensible choices.

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#9. How to Taper Patients Off of Chronic Opioid Therapy

In an extremely condensed length of time, this training provides material that could drastically transform your life. Healthcare professionals gain knowledge of techniques for safely weaning patients on or off opioid therapy in addition to understanding how to weigh the risks as well as advantages of doing so. Additionally, a recommendation on when they should recommend patients to addictions therapy is given to them.

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#10. Game Theory

Beyond its usage in actual games, game theory is “the mathematical modelling of dynamic interplay amongst rational (as well as irrational) individuals” and is applied in politics and economics to reach important (yet dangerous) choices. The fundamentals of behavioral economics and tactics are covered in this course, with applications to challenges in computer science as well as auctions.

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Is Stanford Certificate Worth It?

The Stanford online credential from edX is valuable, yes. Also, these verified certifications are great for professionals who want to show that they learned skills that are useful for their jobs. The free certification programmes offered by Stanford University can be utilized to hone newly gained abilities.

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Frequently Asked Questions

How valuable is a Coursera Stanford certificate?

In general, yes. A Coursera Certificate has value and is absolutely worth the cost if you’re searching for a promotion, considering a career move, or the skills you’re learning are in high demand.

What is the value of the Stanford AI credential?

Individuals opt to learn A.I for a variety of reasons. Others require it to get a more favorable job offer, while some people wish to streamline their working process to save time. What motivated you to look into Stanford AI classes, the information is wholly valuable.

Is the Stanford graduate programme offered online worthwhile?


Finally, Stanford university stands till date as a prominent body for the impartation of knowledge. The above stated free online courses by Stanford are but a few to consider.

Editor’s Recommendations


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